Monday, 3 May 2010

Latest update!

Hi All, sorry for the lack of updates. You've certainlyk been busy using the new form to get the cards videos, but sadly at the same time, life has been a little bit more busy than usual!

Everybody who has sent submitions and their card was shown, I will be getting back to you by the end of the week. I'll need to contact some of you to get some more information!

It'll be our turn again soon, our little boy will be 3 in July, so we need to start planning our card to send in nice and early

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Happy Birthday James!

Happy Birthday to you James! You were 2 on the 29th March. We found your card! It was read our by Cerrie after Mister Maker and before Big Cook Little Cook!

Reuben you are 1!

Reuben you were 1 on the 24th March 2010! We found your card for you. Hope you had a lovely day. Your card was read out by Cerrie after Mister Maker and before Big Cook Little Cook!

Happy 1st Birthday Sia!

Sia, you were 1 on the 19th Feb, and we dug through the archives for you and found your card! It was read out by Alex after "Guess with Jess".

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Request Form is live!

We now have a form for you to use to make it easy to ask us to find your cards, you can see it on the right hand side!

When you fill it in, please make sure you type your name and email address accurately, and give as much information as possible about when your card was on tv (date, time, childs name, age, card design etc)

Lets reunite more people with their cards!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Haashim is 2

Haashim was 2 on the 18th March, we found your card for you! Your big cook little cook card was read out by Alex and Cerrie before Wibbly Pig! Happy Birthday!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Archive News

Thankyou all for following the blog, we now have over 15 months of the birthday archive. So far we have reunited over 30 people with their cards from TV!

Remember, if you want us to look for your card, please send us a message, or leave a message in the comments and we will help you out. I will get an online request form up soon to make the whole process easier!

Happy birthdays! :) :)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Finlay you are 4

We found Finlay's card, who was 4 on the 24th Feb 2010! Your card was read out by Andy after Garth & Bev!

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Tianna you are 2!

We found Tiannas card, who was read out by Cerrie after Mister Maker! You were 1 on the 13th Jan 2010!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Sophia you are 4!

We found Sophia's card, which was read out by Andy at 7:30am on the 4th January 2010!

Sorry it took so long to get back to you!